
HeroesWM GuideСтатьиLordsWM NewsFury Barbarians and Shadow Barbarians.

Fury Barbarians and Shadow Barbarians.

[UPD] Added talent wheel of new alto classes.

The original version of the article.

Finally, a few months after entering the alt class for necromancers, the administration introduced the same two-tournament involving new alt-classes of barbarians, which was a recent event, namely - Fury Barbarian Insight Tournament and Shadow Barbarian Insight Tournament. Discuss new classes of barbarians you can in this thread, but in this article I will tell you more details about them.

To begin with, the icon from the new alt-classes are as follows:

- Fury Barbarians

- Shadow Barbarians

The usual factional ability barbarians - "Combat readiness", which depends on faction skill level, is replaced by, replaced the "Tribal spirit" that increases the combat units and options absorbing damage from the formula 20%+[faction skill level]*1% to have the barbarian shaman also missing combat school, but instead they access Darkness magic school.

Here you can compare the original ups barbarians and Fury Barbarians: показать

Here you can compare the original ups barbarians and Shadow Barbarians: показать

Here you can compare ups Shadow Barbarians and Fury Barbarians: показать

And was replaced by a central skill in the new alt-class barbarians, the barbarians of blood is - "Conservation of spirit" while the barbarian shaman is - "Ancestors` shadows".

The central skills of new alto classes
Conservation of spiritAncestors` shadows
Commanded troops lose twice less Tribal spirit points on dampening the damage taken.Every time the lord casts a Darkness magic school spell, commanded stacks gain +40 Tribal spirit.

Bonuses on the levels of tribal spirit you can see here.

Talent wheel of new alto classes:

Fury barbarian: показать

Shadow barbarian: показать

Рейтинг материала: 12

Положительная оценка (13): Олег, титаник5, DmitRyM, BoJloCaTuu_Hoc, -Партизанэн-, Тёмная Легенда, RAMON-NEKROMANT, hokkeist_90, KruTuK, Bagich, Маг2607, RaisedByHell, --john

Отрицательная оценка (1): Смутновзор

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-boysya222- [12] отправить письмо

11.03.2014 в 09:57 | 0


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Hah, the first time I read the English articles

--john [6] отправить письмо

27.03.2014 в 16:48 | 0


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