
HeroesWM GuideСтатьиLordsWM NewsGood day to our guests!

Good day to our guests!

Good day to all guests and users of HWM Guide portal, we are pleased to see each one of you!

We are glad to make acquaintance with english-speaking players of "HeroesWM" on the land of .ru server. Furthermore, we congratulate all of us with the unification of our game worlds!

Our data portal has being enriched with the new section made exclusively for your usage. This section is made in the way that is ensured to give you most recent game events, changes and share with you all information about the game's community events in english.

There are still lots of things to do and we are deeply apologise for your inconvinience due to inability to present you with the complete english version of the data portal ASAP. The reason lies in the fact that we have few employees.

Firstly, we will wait until our servers will completely merge with each other and administration of the game will fix all the bugs related to this merge. Secondly, we will create FAQ made exclusively for your usage. Thirdly, we will translate all the information and services available on our site in step-by-step manner.

We are really impatient for your arrival and will honor our guest with open arms and hearts!

WARNING to all russian-speaking users: all comments are to be written in english!

All messages in any language which is not english - will be eradicated while the one who wrote such comment would be warned not to repeat such an action. The violator will be banned in the case of repeated violation of that rule.

We hope that our users will not concern such a rule being unreasonable, cause it's really not.

Рейтинг материала: 72

Положительная оценка (78): Natrizim, -удар-, RAMON-NEKROMANT, Tolkred, Коэн_Варвар, _леснойвойн_, Смутновзор, _FoX-, gleb-aster, живьё, Валькирия_Войны, сашачёрны, Маг2607, Сержонс, Gawyn, zorroDanil, RaisedByHell, The Tornado, hokkeist_90, UHEC, Andrey0007, Fierylife, енот_агава, Асмодианец, zlostinka, Kofee, Барабас1, Белкет_Великий, Оксага, KIPRIDA_Z, destroyer1997, Ассасин Империи, drago321, про100призрак, waxwild, DZuuuBA, KLONIK_A, Злое_Привидение, eddy_immanuel, Tailwind, _PGEN_, Сиденко, _Чудак, kvintillion, danik9999, _-КЕНТ-_, VIRYSS, Весбат, EQUES TEMPLARII, Artyr_Ivan, LandScaper, WhoNext, КимМиша, Дэнит, Чопер, Воин Гномов, Конструктор, -Партизанэн-, Томми_Ган, Khellendros, gexthresh, Шопинг, вечные_666, Juliah, змей ка, Minato N, Artal, -Ариша-, Цирконий, ROALKIDD, Тисовый, титаник5, гном-1-гном, yura1703, юлька-киев, p321, -Jeka2000-, grust

Отрицательная оценка (6): Единс, Megatrice, Dr_Parch, Миллион88, __Chelsea__, Soul_Keeper_

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титаник5 [12] отправить письмо

17.10.2013 в 21:30 | 0


Рейтинг: 261

Заработок: 14,790

Комментарий удалён модератором Сержонс // English only please

Dzelu [14] отправить письмо

16.12.2013 в 01:12 | 0


Рейтинг: -2

Заработок: 100

Good job

mini-G [15] отправить письмо

25.12.2013 в 21:44 | 0


Рейтинг: 1

Заработок: 75

Комментарий удалён модератором Сержонс // English only please

100braders [12] отправить письмо

16.01.2014 в 23:26 | 0


Рейтинг: 16

Заработок: 545


Ангел в кедах [7] отправить письмо

25.01.2014 в 16:16 | 0


Рейтинг: 4

Заработок: 0


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